Articles about survey (page 5)

Survey reveals that half of US adults now own a smartphone or tablet
Survey suggests that developers interest in Android is in decline
Survey finds more than half of mobile users distrust apps installed on their phones due to privacy concerns
Survey: Most Americans play games on phones to kill time
iPad Or Your Wife? Disturbing Results from the Survey
Android sees most action in toilets among smartphone platforms
Survey: 39% of US smartphone buyers gravitate towards Android
33% broke up digitally
Majority of consumers say 3D TV is better than regular TV
Mobile phones to be one of the causes of myopia in young children?
Gearbox wants your help for the next Duke Nukem game
83% of Google+ users are inactive [study]
Are Android phones really that hard to use?
34% of iPhone owners think their phone is 4G
Apparently mobile workers work longer hours than regular staff
MasterCard says NFC will be embraced by the younger generation in the US
Study: Mac People Like To Throw Parties, Be Perceived as Unique
Students experience withdrawal symptoms for tech
23% of American students say they're addicted to the internet
Slowest mobile towns in UK mapped