Articles about operating system

How To create Virtual Machines (VMs)?
Smartisan OS Jumps On The Mobile Operating System Bandwagon
Boot to Gecko mobile operating system undergoing testing
Samsung considering bringing Bada into US market
ReactOS Windows clone needs more funding
China's Baidu displays new mobile OS
Windows 8 confirmed to be getting their own app store
Are Android phones really that hard to use?
Google Chrome OS successfully hacked
Boot to Gecko: Mozilla enters the OS wars
Microsoft says that they will only provide 1,000 more days of support for Windows XP
Windows 8 Interface: Not Friendly to Windows Developers
Nokia to create a tablet – but not just any tablet
LG to create MeeGo smartphones
Internet Explorer 10 won't work on Vista
webOS 3.0 given an in-depth preview
Symbian Anna update from Nokia
Windows 8 heavily focused on mobile devices; will it affect the desktop experience?
Windows 7 finally overtakes Windows XP's desktop OS market share
Motorola to create its own OS?