Whatever you get from the iTunes store is DRM protected. DRM refers to Digital Rights Management which (in layman terms) enforces security to prevent piracy of the content. In a nutshell, only you (the one who downloaded/purchased the content) will be able to play it.
DRM protection is good enough but it comes with a problem of sharing the content across different platforms. So, it requires an additional authorization to verify the ownership. And, that’s the reason why you would need to Authorize a computer on iTunes if you did not realize earlier.
But, how to Authorize a computer on iTunes? How do you authorize a computer using iTunes on Mac? Is the procedure for a Windows-powered PC and Mac the same? Let us get to know on how to authorize a computer on iTunes by looking at the steps mentioned below.
It can surely be said that the process is way too easy. However, authorizing a computer does come with certain limitations and things that you should know.
Note: The same steps apply whether you have iTunes installed on a Mac or a Windows-powered system.
You may not get a message telling you of the confirmation but you can head back to the “Account” option and then click on “View My Account” to check your account information where the computers authorized would be mentioned as shown in the image below.
How many computers have you authorized via iTunes? Having trouble following this guide? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.