Back in 2021, we saw that Instagram was testing out a new feature for Live creators that would let them assign moderators to their Instagram Live sessions. These moderators would be able to look out for inappropriate comments, report them, disable comments, and even boot viewers from the stream.

The idea is that it would allow creators to just focus on their content while other people work behind the scene to help ensure that things move along properly. For those who use the Instagram Live feature quite a bit, you’ll be happy to hear that the moderator feature is now live and you’ll be able to take advantage of it.

Creators can add moderators simply by tapping the menu icon on the comment bar and search for specific people that they want to make a moderator, or they can also use suggestions from Instagram, although we’re not sure how Instagram is making those recommendations.

This moderator thing isn’t new in general. Other platforms such as Twitch have long allowed streamers to assign moderators to their live streams. However, given that Twitch is primarily a platform for people to go live on, it made more sense compared to Instagram, but it’s good to see that Instagram is implementing the feature even though they are slightly late to the party.

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