FCC Proposes Banning Telemarketers From Leaving Ringless Voicemails

Voicemail technology has been around for a while now, and sometimes you might receive a voicemail even though your phone didn’t ring. This is usually used by telemarketers in an attempt to get you to call them back, which can be annoying because the problem with voicemail is that you don’t really know who left it until you heard it.

Then when you find out it’s a telemarketer, you feel like you just wasted your time listening to it. However, there could be some good news on that end because FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel has recently proposed a ban on leaving ringless voicemails unless the company has already obtained your consent.

According to Rosenworcel, “Ringless voicemail can be annoying, invasive and can lead to fraud like other robocalls—so it should face the same consumer protection rules. No one wants to wade through voicemail spam, or miss important messages because their mailbox is full. This FCC action would continue to empower consumers to choose which parties they give permission to contact them.”

That being said, we have to wonder how many people out there still use voicemail? After all, instant messengers make it easier to send and receive messages, plus you know who it’s from, and you have the option to check it anytime, anywhere. In any case, there still needs to be a vote taken before this proposal comes into effect, so there is a chance it might not be passed.

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