Several years ago, an online service called Popcorn Time was launched. It was referred by many as the Netflix for piracy because instead of users having to download the entire file before watching their favorite movie or TV show, they could stream it. However, shortly after it launched, the original developers shut it down.

Not too long after, it was picked up by other developers who decided to revive the project, but now it looks like the service has once again shut down. It is unclear what could have been behind the decision to shut down the service, especially since the group behind the latest iteration did not say anything in their email.

However, there is a chance that waning popularity could be one of the reasons. On the website, the developers had shared a graph of searches over the past seven years and it showed how interest in it seemed to have declined rather sharply and remained almost flat for the past 4-5 years.

Of course, we imagine that the various brushes with the law and the lack of popularity could have led to the decision that maybe keeping it alive was more effort than it was worth. That being said, we’re not sure if this shut down is for good, after all, over the years the service has been killed and revived several times, so who’s to say someone else won’t try to pick up where it left off?

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