When Apple created the AirTag, they were aware of the potential for it to be abused and used as a way for people to track other people without their knowledge. This is why there are built-in features that can alert a user if an AirTag is located near them and has been following them for a set period of time.

However, for those who might be a little paranoid or concerned that the time period is too long, iOS 15.2 will address that. In the latest beta of iOS 15.2, it has been discovered that Apple is adding an option for users to use the Find My app to scan for AirTags and other devices part of the Find My network that can be used to track a user without their knowledge.

When users launch the update Find My app, under the “Items” tab there is now an option called “Items That Can Track Me”. Tapping on it will immediately try and scan the user’s surroundings to see if there are items that can be used to track their location. If items are discovered it will be listed, and if it is nearby, Apple will also provide instructions on how to disable it.

However, we’re not sure how this will work yet. For example, you could be seated next to someone at a restaurant who has an AirTag, so it wouldn’t be fair for users to disable someone else’s AirTag just because they are nearby. However, being able to manually scan for AirTags and trackers as and when users want is also a good way for those who might have a reason to believe they are being stalked.

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