Earlier this year with the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S21, Samsung finally broke the S Pen’s exclusivity to its Note series. However, the downside is that while the Galaxy S21 supports the S Pen, there’s just no place to store it safely, meaning you’d need to keep it in a bag or your pocket where there’s a chance you could lose it.
However, that could change in 2022 with the Galaxy S22. This is according to a tweet by Ice Universe who shared alleged case renders for the Galaxy S22 where as you can see according to the cutouts, there will be a slot for the S Pen, meaning that the Galaxy S22 could actually come with a dedicated slot for the S Pen’s safekeeping.
Breaking:Samsung phone protective case manufacturer has begun to build S22 series protective case . We can see that the camera area is just like our rendered drawing, but unfortunately, It just knows the shape of this area, whether it is “P”or “11” , and he does not know. pic.twitter.com/yYtZF8lZXl
— ICE UNIVERSE (@UniverseIce) September 30, 2021
There have been rumors suggesting that Samsung could be merging the Note series into the S-series, and that the Galaxy S22 Ultra could actually be renamed as the Galaxy Note Ultra, which would make sense given the S Pen integration. However Ice Universe followed up with a separate tweet that claims that there will not be a change in name and that it is “confirmed 100%”.
Galaxy S22 Ultra name is comfirmed 100%
Not Note22 Ultra— ICE UNIVERSE (@UniverseIce) September 30, 2021
Of course, as is the case with all leaks and rumors, they’re best taken with a grain of salt so don’t read too much into this for now and hopefully we’ll be able to uncover more clues about the Galaxy S22 in the future.
Filed in Galaxy S22 and Samsung.
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