Snapchat’s Stories feature has to be one of the most “borrowed” features we’ve seen. Instagram has managed to copy the feature to great success, although Twitter had less success with Fleets. Now it looks like TikTok wants in on the action as well and appear to be testing a Stories-like feature of their own.

The feature was initially discovered by Matt Navarra who shared his findings on Twitter, but TikTok later confirmed this to be true in a statement made to The Verge where they said, “We’re always thinking about new ways to bring value to our community and enrich the TikTok experience. Currently we’re experimenting with ways to give creators additional formats to bring their creative ideas to life for the TikTok community.”

That being said, we are curious as to what the point might be for TikTok Stories. TikTok already focuses on creators posting and sharing short-ish clips on their profile, so Stories seem like just another version of it. However, it might be possible that TikTok envisions how Instagram creators use Stories, which would be to share information that they don’t want cluttering up their main profile.

There is no word on when TikTok’s Stories will be available to all users or if it will be as successful as Snapchat and Instagram’s implementation, so we’ll just have to wait and see.

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