Have you ever loaded a website and a video or an audio clip starts playing immediately? It can be very annoying and in some cases, shocking because you don’t always expect it. It would be nice if some websites could automatically mute their videos or audios and give users an option to turn on the sound.

This is why Google introduced a feature that lets users mute tabs in Chrome. The good news is that if you find the current method a bit clunky, then you might be interested to learn that Google could soon be making that process a lot easier. This is according to a discovery on Reddit in which they shared that a new patch had been uploaded to Chromium Gerrit.

According to this update, Chrome could soon let users mute tabs simply by clicking on the speaker icon in the tab. This icon is used to indicate that a website has audio playing. What’s funny about this is that Google had actually made this feature available before, but for some reason took it out.

Right now users who want to mute Chrome tabs have to right click the tab and click “Mute Site”, which like we said is a bit clunky. Being able to click on the icon to mute it is a lot faster. In fact, browsers like Microsoft Edge already offer a similar feature, so we’re not sure why Google took it out in the first place. Either way, it’s good news that it looks like it could be coming back, although when exactly is unclear.

Filed in General. Read more about and . Source: xda-developers