Beaches are fun places to go to, but it only takes a few bad apples to ruin the experience for everyone. By that we mean litterbugs, people who don’t think about other people and just dump their trash on the beach. This includes empty bottles, cans, food wrappings, actual food, cigarette buds, and more.
Sure, there are people who do help clean the beaches, but obviously it would be better if we could just pick up after ourselves. That being said, thanks to technology, we may no longer have to. This is thanks to the work of two Dutch entrepreneurs who have put together a little robot called .BB which can go around a beach and help pick up litter.
The robot uses AI that helps it identify trash, but it also comes with a camera that helps it tag photos of objects it might not recognize and asks the public to tell it whether or not it is litter. This will help to train the robot’s AI to become better and more efficient when it comes to collecting litter.
Obviously it would still be ideal if people could just pick up after themselves, but the use of robots could make beach cleanups more efficient, where it could go around at night or throughout the day to help keep things clean, plus since robots do not tire, at least not in the same way humans do, it could work for longer hours.