One of the awesome features about cloud storage is how quickly and easily you can sync up your work with your friends, colleagues, or classmates. However, the ability to share files in the cloud has also been subject to abuse, where spammers and trolls sometimes use it to share spam or other kinds of gross stuff.

The good news is that if you use Google Drive, Google has started to roll out an update that will finally let you block spammers. Prior to this, whenever you received spam or were shared something unwanted by a stranger, the most you could do was to remove it manually or report the file, but that feels like a game of whack-a-mole where it’s more reactive.

However, with this update, users will be able to actually block the user for good so that future incidents won’t happen again. According to Google, using this blocking feature will allow you to:

  • Block another user from sharing any content with you in the future. This can be a useful control if, for example, another user has a history of sending spam or abusive content.
  • Remove all existing files and folders shared by another user. This is an easy way to get rid of all spam or abusive content shared from a specific user at one time.
  • Remove another person’s access to your content, even if you’ve previously shared it with them.

If you don’t see the feature available to you yet, don’t worry. Google is in the process of rolling it out to users and they note it could take up to 15 days for the feature to appear for some, so it should eventually make its way to you.

Filed in General. Read more about and . Source: workspaceupdates.googleblog