It seems that Telegram is a bit late to the party because the app’s group video call function is only now live. According to Telegram, “Today’s update lets you turn on your camera or share your screen during Voice Chats in groups – on all devices, including tablets and desktops. This brings voice chats to a whole new level, ready for online classes, business meetings and family gatherings.”
We’re not sure what took Telegram this long to enable the feature, especially since the company had originally announced their plans back in April 2020, but we suppose better late than never, plus with Telegram being seen as an alternative to WhatsApp, we’re sure that Telegram users will appreciate the addition of the feature anyway.
At the moment Telegram’s group video call feature is limited to 30 people, which honestly is plenty for regular use, but the company is planning to expand on that in the future, so do keep an eye out for it if you plan to use Telegram to host huge video calls.
Filed in Telegram. Source: telegram.org
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