It has been many, many years since Google Reader was killed off. While other RSS platforms like Feedly have since taken its place, if you’re hoping for something a bit more native like Google Reader back in the day, Google could be looking to oblige with a new experimental “Follow” feature in Chrome.

According to Google, select users should see a new “Follow” button on Chrome for Android. Basically what this does is that it allows users to follow a website so that whenever the website publishes new content, they will be able to see it in a feed in the Following section on the New Tab page.

In a way this is similar to how social media works, where you can follow a person or a brand and you can get updates whenever they post something new. However, as this is an experimental feature, there are quite a few questions that haven’t been answered, like whether or not this will be a feature that will arrive on desktop as well, and if it will sync across devices.

However as this is experimental, Google says, “Keeping a site’s RSS up-to-date will ensure Chrome can provide the latest content to users with this experiment. We will provide more guidance to web publishers as we learn and evaluate whether this feature will graduate from an experiment to a broader rollout in Chrome.”

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