For those who might be concerned about getting emails and documents spell-checked and also checked for proper grammar usage, then Grammarly might be a tool that you’re familiar with. Originally available as an extension for the web, Grammarly has since expanded to other areas, like being a keyboard app for smartphones.

That being said, the company has updated its keyboard app where they are now introducing what they are calling a tone detector. Since text messages are essentially words, sometimes what we say can be misunderstood because there is a lack of tone, so a joke you send might be taken the wrong way.

However, with Grammarly’s tone detector, it will attempt to analyze your writing and tell you what kind of tone your message conveys. It will then label your messages so you can think about before you send it, so if a message you’re typing isn’t conveying the tone you hope it does, you’ll be able to rewrite it until it does.

Of course, this isn’t to say that you should blindly follow the suggestions, after all it is your message at the end of the day, but it could be useful if you’re talking to someone like a boss or a customer and you want to avoid your regular texting habits or use slang that might come across unprofessional.

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