Google Photos is a great way to store and backup your photos, and it also does a pretty good job working on iOS where you can use it to backup photos stored on your iPhone or iPad and sync it across devices. However, both apps typically work separate of each other, due to the restrictions that Apple has put in place in iOS.

However, the good news is that in a recent update to Google Photos, it appears that users are now able to sync their favorite photos in Google Photos and the Photos app in iOS. What this means is that if you’ve favorited a photo in the Photos app on your iPhone, it will become a favorite photo in Google Photos.

The reverse also works, meaning that your favorited photos on Google Photos will now become a favorite photo in the Photos app on your iPhone. This is probably as close as we can get to syncing up these two services for now, but it does seem like a useful feature to have if you have quite a few favorite photos on Google Photos or the iOS Photos app that you’d like to be able to access quickly and easily.

You will need to have the latest version of Google Photos on your iOS device in order for this to work, so update the app if you haven’t done so already.

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