Despite iOS 14 having been released a while ago, it appears that people are still finding bugs in the software. According to various reports, this new bug comes in the form of Messages notifications that aren’t appearing and are actually disappearing. This means that as far as users are concerned, they could end up missing out on their messages.

The problem was initially discovered by those who owned the iPhone 12, but now it seems that reports are trickling in to suggest that it is also affecting basically anyone whose iPhone has been upgraded to iOS 14. Interestingly enough, some users are claiming that they still get notifications on their Apple Watches despite it not showing up on their phones.

They also note that taking off the watch will allow for notifications on their iPhones to behave like normal. However, we’re not sure if this is applicable to all users. What’s worrying is that according to those who have tested the iOS 14.3 beta, it seems that the issue doesn’t appear to be fixed, meaning that it could continue to plague iOS users for a while.

This only seems to be affecting the Messages app and that other notifications seem to be working fine. It does seem like a bit of an odd behavior, but if you don’t use Messages to send text messages, then you should be fine, but it’s still a problem that Apple definitely needs to address soon.

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