Apple Uses Augmented Reality To Remotely Guide Technicians In China

One of the alleged reasons why Apple’s iPhones launched later this year compared to the previous years is because of the coronavirus pandemic. This is because Apple’s engineers are said to typically make frequent trips to the various suppliers and manufacturers in parts of the world, such as China, to test prototypes and ensure things are working as intended.

However, as they were not able to make those trips, the iPhone’s launch was delayed, or so the rumors claim. That being said, it seems that Apple has taken their love of augmented reality to the next level because according to Dan Riccio, Apple’s SVP of hardware engineering, during a virtual meeting on Thursday, revealed that Apple’s engineers had to rely on augmented reality technology to help remotely guide technicians in factories in places like China to better communicate with them.

Apple has been a huge proponent of the technology over virtual reality, and with rumors that they could be building their own pair of AR smart glasses, this move doesn’t really come as a surprise.

That being said, the use of these types of technology have shown that they can be useful in terms of training. For example, in the past we’ve seen how augmented reality can be used to help make training for surgeons more accessible. We’ve also seen companies in the service industry use it to train staff.

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