For those unfamiliar, earlier this year, White Castle and Miso Robotics entered into a partnership where the former trialed the latter’s burger flipping robot. This was actually in response to social distancing where companies like White Castle had to limit the number of staff within a branch. It appears that the trial was successful enough for the fast food chain to consider expanding to more locations.
According to White Castle’s CEO Lisa Ingram, “Artificial intelligence and automation have been an area White Castle has wanted to experiment with to optimize our operations and provide a better work environment for our team members, We believe technology like Flippy ROAR can improve customer service and kitchen operation. This pilot is putting us on that path – and we couldn’t be more pleased to continue our work with Miso Robotics and pave the way for greater adoption of cutting-edge technology in the fast-food industry.”
This isn’t the first time we’re seeing robots make their way into the food industry, and we doubt that it will be the last, so the next time you’re at White Castle, don’t be surprised if you see robots flipping your burgers.