Usually when a building is built, its location is more or less permanent. You might be able to relocate it, but that is typically an arduous task that involves taking it apart and reassembling it at its new location. However, it seems that over in China, engineers have managed to relocate a building by giving a set of robot legs.

These robot legs, a total of 198, helped the building “walk” over to its new location. The building in question is a historical school building located in Shanghai. However, the design of the building which features an irregular shape, made it a problem to move it using more conventional methods like side rails or flatbeds.

This resulted in engineers thinking outside the box where they came up with the idea of using 198 hydraulic robot legs that helped the building “walk” over to its new location, a total of 62 meters, over the course of 18 days. It’s hardly a brisk walk considering the relative short distance, but we’re talking about moving an entire building, so the entire feat itself is rather impressive.

You can check out how the engineers accomplished this in the video above uploaded by the South China Morning Post.

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