Touch ID on the iPhone and iPad have existed pretty much in the physical home button, but with the latest iPad Air removing the home button, Apple decided to integrate Touch ID into the power button located at the top corner of the tablet. It seemed like a logical placement, but one that Apple seems to be really proud of.

During the Same Brain podcast hosted by iJustine and Jenna Ezarik, Apple VP of hardware engineering John Ternus and Apple VP of product marketing Bob Borchers made an appearance in which they talked about the company’s new products and where they expressed how proud they were about the new implementation of Touch ID, going as far as calling it an “incredible feat of engineering”.

It is a rather odd sentiment to have when you consider the fact that Apple was actually not the first to introduce such a feature. Many years ago, Sony actually introduced a similar feature for some of its phones, and in more recent years, we’ve also seen similar efforts from the likes of Samsung and Honor.

Interestingly enough though, such an implementation was actually hinted at back in 2015 where it was discovered that Apple had actually filed a patent for a power button integrated with a fingerprint sensor, but with the shift to Face ID, it was kind of forgotten, at least until now. We’re not sure if we’ll be seeing more of this implementation in future Apple products, so we’ll just have to wait and see.

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