Back in 2017, major apps started to drop support for the Apple Watch. One of those apps was Google Maps. The company did not state why they removed the app, but perhaps it was due to watchOS where maybe Google felt that it was not able to deliver an optimal Google Maps experience.

However, the company did state back then that they would eventually bring the app back, and the good news is that they finally have. In an announcement by Google, Google Maps is now back and available for the Apple Watch. If you haven’t been too thrilled with Apple Maps, then at least you now have a slightly more familiar option with Google Maps.

According to Google, it seems that the watch version will sync with the phone version, which means that users can pick up where they left off. “Quickly get estimated arrival times and step-by-step directions to destinations you’ve saved, like Home or Work, and other shortcuts you’ve designated in the app. For all other destinations, you can start navigating from your phone and pick up where you left off on your watch.”

Google notes that the availability of Maps for the Apple Watch will be rolling out in the coming weeks, so do keep an eye out for it if it’s something you’d like to have.

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