Now that the Sony PS5 has been more or less revealed in full, the next thing gamers are probably wondering is how much it will cost and when it will be available for purchase. The good news is that these details should be revealed in the next couple of weeks, at least that’s according to a recent tweet by Roberto Serrano’.

According to Serrano’s tweet, he claims that Sony is expected to reveal the PS5’s price and pre-orders on the 13th of July. While we shouldn’t be taking everything we read on the internet to be the truth, it should be noted that Serrano’ has in the past tweeted out several leaks that have proven to be accurate, such as confirming Sony’s PS5 event back in June before the company announced it themselves.

That being said, it should still be taken with a grain of salt for now.

There has been a lot of speculation surrounding the price of the PS5. One of the reasons for this is because with the PS4, Sony had the price advantage over Microsoft’s Xbox One at the start, which we imagine played a role in allowing them to gain and maintain a considerable lead over the competition.

However, that might not be the case with the PS5, with Sony themselves having hinted that it might not come cheap. Recent leaks on Amazon have suggested that the digital version of the PS5 could be priced at $450, while the regular PS5 could cost as much as $565.

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