US Customs Seize $4,000 Worth Of Fake AirPods

Fake Apple products aren’t exactly new. Given their high-desirability, it’s not surprising that many counterfeiters are hoping to take advantage of that and profit off unsuspecting customers. Thankfully though, it seems that the US will now have slightly less fake Apple products in the market.

This is thanks to the US Customs and Borders Protection who have recently announced that they have seized about $4,000 worth of fake AirPods. According to the agency, they discovered the fake AirPods when the packaging on them was listed as Lithium Ion Batteries. They then opened it to inspect the packages to ensure that they were what they claimed they were, but they quickly discovered that the packaging and markings on the boxes were not consistent with “the quality of a legitimate product”.

After confirming their suspicions, they turned the fake goods over for destruction. According to Shane Campbell, Area Port Director, Chicago, “Counterfeit goods, like these, damage our economy. When criminals sell these items, it deprives legitimate businesses from thriving.  Unfortunately, many citizens do not realize the harmful effects that counterfeit products have on American businesses and jobs.”

While the number of fake AirPods seized is but a drop in the ocean in terms of the number of fake products floating about the market today, we suppose every little bit helps.

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