According to Telegram, “You can now enhance video quality automatically in two taps – or manually tweak a dozen parameters, like brightness or saturation, until your inner Kubrick is satisfied. For perfect paintbrush precision, zoom in on photos or videos when drawing on them to get every line just right. Your made-up makeup – or your classmates’ handlebar moustaches – will never look the same.”
Basic video editing inside of messaging apps aren’t new and for the most part, they are usually rather simple and allows users to adjust the length of the video. However, the ability to enhance video quality should come as good news for those looking for a quick fix to improve video quality before sending them.
In addition to an improved video editor, the update will also include improvements made to the app’s GIF panel, access to emoji-based tabs, faster loading times, and more.
Filed in Apps and Telegram. Source: telegram.org
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