Netflix Will Start Canceling Dormant Accounts To Save Users Money

The thing with the subscription model is that companies hope that you will keep paying for it, even if you don’t necessarily use their products on a daily basis. This is like joining a gym where whether or not you go, the gym will still debit your bank account every month. However, Netflix now seems to be taking a different approach.

For those of you who might have a Netflix account for the past couple of years but have not actually used its services, Netflix has announced that they will be canceling your subscription. According to the company, “So we’re asking everyone who has not watched anything on Netflix for a year since they joined to confirm they want to keep their membership. And we’ll do the same for anyone who has stopped watching for more than two years.”

They add, “Members will start seeing these emails or in app notifications this week. If they don’t confirm that they want to keep subscribing, we’ll automatically cancel their subscription.” The company claims that they do not want people paying for something they’re not using, and that if customers want to reactivate their account, Netflix will continue to keep their favorites, profiles, and viewing preferences if they rejoin within 10 months of cancellation.

It is an interesting move by the company, especially since they stand to benefit from people who keep paying for their services without using them, but we’re not complaining.

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