It now looks like Telegram wants to hop on board that bandwagon as well because in an announcement by the company, it looks like they have plans to eventually bring secure group video calls to its messaging platform, a feature that was oddly enough not part of the app despite Telegram having been around for a while.
According to the company, “What’s next, you might ask? The current global lockdown highlighted the need for a trusted video communication tool. Video calls in 2020 are much like messaging in 2013. There are apps that are either secure or usable, but not both. We’d like to fix that, and we will focus on bringing you secure group video calls in 2020.”
Like we said, other messaging platforms have long offered video calls. However, in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, many companies have been beefing up their offerings. For example, platforms like WhatsApp are expanding the number of participants, while Facebook has launched Messenger Rooms which attempts to take on Zoom by removing sign-up requirements and also increasing the number of participants up to 50.
Filed in Apps and Telegram. Source: telegram.org
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