Image credit – Rachele @ Twitter

These days, a lot of video conferencing apps come with fun filters. This is because such apps aren’t just used for work, but also for social purposes where friends and family members can use them to chat with each other. Unfortunately for Lizet Ocampo, the political director at People for the American Way, she did not know how to turn her filter off.

This resulted in her having a video conference with some of her colleagues where she turned on the potato filter and left it on for the entire duration of the meeting. Speaking to BuzzFeed News, Ocampo said, “So Monday morning, we had our meeting and I usually try to do a camera, and when we started the meeting, I saw myself as a potato.”

“I was so confused as to why I was a potato. Of all the things I could be, why a potato?” However, Ocampo just couldn’t seem to figure out how to disable the filter, and after a while, she gave up. Little did she know, her colleague Rachele decided to do a screen capture of Ocampo as a potato and tweeted the photo where it promptly went viral.

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen filters used in situations where it’s meant to be serious. Just last year, a Pakistani politician was doing a live press stream when a cat filter was accidentally applied, giving him cat ears and whiskers while he was delivering a speech.

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