Image credit – Japan Retro Game Association

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, many of us have been advised to stay at home to help prevent the virus from continuing to spread, and also to help prevent healthcare systems from being overwhelmed. This is quite tough on adults, let alone kids who might not necessarily understand the gravity of the situation.

To help encourage kids to stay home, the Japan Retro Game Association has decided that they will start sending out Super Famicom systems to households who qualify for it. All households need is a child under the age of 16 and are able to cover the postage charges necessary to send those systems to their homes. They will also include classic games for kids to play on the system.

Granted, this isn’t the Nintendo Switch that many gamers are seeking now that the world is currently in lockdown, but we suppose it’s better than nothing. It also helps that it is “free” (save for postage) which means that families who might not otherwise be able to afford the Switch will still have a way to keep their kids entertained.

Of course, there will be a limited number of systems available as they are no longer being produced, but every little bit helps.

Filed in Gaming. Read more about , , and . Source: kotaku