With more people being forced to stay home for work or school to help flatten the curve on the number of coronavirus cases, it means that home internet use is definitely going to be a lot more than what it used to be. This means that there will be a greater strain on networks around the world.

For the most part, it looks like networks are still holding up, albeit slowed down a bit for some, and it looks like Sony wants to do their part. In a post on the PlayStation Blog, Sony Interactive Entertainment’s President and CEO Jim Ryan announced that in the US, they will be slowing down PlayStation download speeds.

Prior to this, Sony had made the decision to slow down the speeds for downloads in Europe, and it looks like those practices will be applied to the US as well. “Beginning today, we will take similar measures in the United States, and we will continue to take appropriate action to do our part to help ensure internet stability as this unprecedented situation continues to evolve. We are grateful for the role we play in helping deliver a sense of community and entertainment in these very trying times.”

Sony’s decision is in the same veins as other entertainment companies, such as Netflix and YouTube, both of whom will lower the quality of their video streams to help ease the bandwidth of internet service providers.

Filed in Gaming. Read more about and . Source: blog.us.playstation