Sharp Corporation is a Japanese electronics manufacturer usually know for its TV.

Now that the production of electronics and other commodities has slowed down, Sharp has decided to utilize its TV factory to make surgical masks.

This will be helpful to the government in making the surgical masks available to more people.

Not just Sharp, but its parent company – Foxconn has done the same in China to at least help their workers to some extent.

Even though a surgical mask isn’t enough to contain the coronavirus outbreak, it still helps in some way.

Considering the shortage in the supply of masks, Sharp will start with producing 150,000 masks every day.

Sharp’s factory in the east of Osaka will also aim to produce 500,000 masks a day by utilizing parts of their production. No matter who starts to show up, it is an important step to control the coronavirus outbreak by supplying masks to the works or simply producing more masks for the masses.

If you’re still wondering, the respiratory masks are better for protection. But, Sharp is taking a good step, no matter what.

In this state of public emergency, every help counts. And, the Sharp Corporation is trying to do its part.

Filed in General >Medical..