In the past, we have seen how Minecraft can be used for all kinds of purposes, such as being used as an educational tool to teach children about technology, to being a hobbyist game where we’ve seen how some players have used Minecraft and its building tools to construct entire worlds.

Now it looks like the organization, Reporters Without Borders, have turned to the use of Minecraft as well where together in a partnership with BlockWorks, they have managed to create a virtual library within the game that contains works that have been censored by certain governments around the world.

By using a game like Minecraft, which is widely available, Reporters Without Borders will be giving access to all these uncensored works to people around the world, granting access to some who might not have been able to access it otherwise.

According to Christian Mihr, Managing Director Reporters Without Borders Germany, “In many countries around the world, there is no free access to information. Web- sites are blocked, independent newspapers are banned and the press is controlled by the state. Young people grow up without being able to form their own opinions. By using Minecraft, the world’s most popular computer game, as a medium, we give them access to independent information.“

For those who are interested in checking it out, you’ll be able to download the map via its website.

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