Many have been asking Twitter to implement the option to edit their tweets or to undo them, but recently, Twitter’s CEO pretty much shot that idea down. This is because Twitter wants users to live in the moment, where tweets act as snapshots of how users feel and what they are thinking about in the moment, and editing tweets kind of takes away that moment.

The good news is that if you don’t mind forking out $6 a month, you might want to check out Brizzly+, a new third-party Twitter client that will bring those features to the platform, kind of. How Brizzly+ works is that it gives users the option of choosing the delay when they post a tweet, where users can choose between 10-seconds and up to 10 minutes.

This means that when you post your tweet, depending on your preference, you’ll have anywhere between 10 seconds and 10 minutes to either undo the tweet or edit it before it actually goes live on Twitter. It also means that once the tweet has been sent out onto Twitter’s platform, you’ll no longer be able to recall it or edit it.

The app will also give users the option of automatically deleting their tweets after a set period of time, similar to Stories on Instagram and Snapchat. However, this feature might not be quite as useful given that Twitter is already testing out something similar of their own. For those who are interested, head on over to Brizzly’s website to check out the app and try it out in a free two-week trial.

Filed in General. Read more about and . Source: blog.brizzly