What makes the S-Pod so unique and interesting is that it has been designed to look like a lounge chair, except that it is now on wheels which means that you can sit back and drive around. Sure, there are plenty of personal vehicles that come with seats, but we doubt that you will find one as comfortable as the S-Pod.
That being said, we haven’t actually tried it out for ourselves yet but it does look like it would be rather nice. According to Segway, “The Segway S-Pod is a first-class smart transporting pod for enclosed campuses such as airports, theme parks and malls. It is a safe, self-balancing vehicle that is operated by an intuitive assistive navigation panel.”
The company also notes that the S-Pod will be capable of traveling at speeds up to 24mph, which is pretty fast for such a device, and also has a range of 43 miles before needing a recharge.