According to the story, 20-year old Dia Lathora from Texas was playing video games with her friend and teammate, a 17-year old teen from North West England called Aidan Jackson. However, while on voice chat with Jackson, she heard what could only be described as a seizure and quickly started searching for emergency numbers in the EU to make a call on Jackson’s behalf.
For whatever reason, Lathora had Jackson’s home address and managed to alert authorities to what was going on, where they managed to arrive 40 minutes after the seizure had started. By that time, Jackson had somewhat recovered as when they entered his room, they found him “extremely disorientated”, but otherwise seemingly fine.
Speaking to the BBC, Jackson’s mother was quoted as saying, “We are extremely thankful for what Dia did and shocked that we could be downstairs and not know anything was happening. Dia had our address but didn’t have any contact numbers, so it was amazing she managed to get help from so far away. I’ve spoken to her and expressed our thanks – she’s just glad she could help. Aidan is a lot better and hopefully everything is OK when he has his appointment at the hospital but he’s doing well.”