Apple’s AirPods headphones do not come cheap, but regardless, they still seem to be selling like hotcakes. One of the selling points of the headphones is its size, where they’re small and portable, but that is also their problem where due to their true wireless design, it would be pretty easy to lose them.

Replacements do not come cheap either and according to a recent Q&A stream, Kim Namjoon, the lead singer and rapper of the K-pop sensation band, BTS, he revealed that he has lost 33 pairs of the AirPods to date and is currently on his 34th pair. Given the price of the AirPods, it has been estimated that he would have lost $6,000 in AirPods so far, making it a very, very expensive process.

Given the hectic traveling schedule of BTS where they have toured the world, we suppose it’s not hard to imagine that somewhere along the way he would have lost his AirPods. However, that does highlight a problem with the headphones. Due to the fact that they are more or less impossible to repair, some have pointed out that this is an environmental concern.

This applies to AirPods that have been lost or can’t be repaired where they will basically end up in a dump somewhere. With Apple billing themselves as a company that aims to be as sustainable as possible, hopefully this is an aspect in the AirPods’ design that the company can look at in the future.

Filed in Apple >Audio >Gadgets. Read more about and . Source: 9to5mac