AirPods Pro Units Are Being Marked Up Like Crazy By Resellers

While Apple’s iPhones are probably the company’s biggest money-maker at the moment, the company could have another hit on their hands in the form of the AirPods, where some analysts have predicted that it could bring in as much as $4 billion every quarter and could surpass the peak iPod sales.

So much so that it doesn’t come as a surprise that they’re selling like hotcakes, especially when we’re this close to Christmas. In fact, it seems that the headphones are so popular that the AirPods Pro model has been sold out. Unfortunately for shoppers, this also means that resellers are taking advantage of this by marking up the price considerably.

According to sightings on platforms like eBay, it seems that some sellers are selling the AirPods Pro for as much as $350. To give you some context, when the AirPods Pro was launched, it was priced at $250, meaning that resellers are marking it up by as much as $100. This is because it seems that the device is so popular that many official retailers and even Apple have run out of stock for it.

Cult of Mac reports that the estimated shipping time on Apple’s website says that it will no longer be shipped out in time for Christmas, and that if you place an order today, it will only arrive next year on the 10th of January. Unfortunately, there’s really not much you can do at the moment, short of you going from store to store and hoping that some of them have the AirPods Pro in stock.

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