Google Earth is usually the go-to place on the Internet if you want a real-world view of a place to research. Not just for travelers to explore places, you can get a great deal of information through it.
However, the information was limited, until now. Google has added new creation tools for Google Earth that lets you create your own maps and stories to share with the world.
For instance, you have an iconic story about a place that no one knows of, with the creation tools you can easily add that information to the map.
You may also choose to spread a message related to a particular place for the whole world to know about it.
Of course, it will be your story and your map – so it can be anything associated with a place and the information that shall be retained for a very long time.
You get the ability to add pictures, a short description with a headline, and place the marker to share your story with everyone across the world.
This is a great opportunity to explore and add interesting stories to Google Earth which will significantly improve the user experience.
Now that Google Earth is useful than ever before, what do you think?
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