We have all heard about something similar in the movies. But, in reality?
Well, only organizations like NSA could have done something like that to spy on government officials (or the general public).
Edward Snowden may not be a saint but the claim against NSA’s surveillance definitely points to a lot of things we couldn’t have known.
Now that we have realized the fact that everyone is being tracked in some way or the other, there comes a tiny spy chip available for as low as $200.
A security researcher Monta Elkins will demonstrate a proof-of-concept version of hardware implant which can be easily planted in any IT equipment with the right level of access.
Elkins used an ATtiny85 chip which is smaller than a fingernail to write his code and ready it as a spy chip. WIRED explained how exactly he did it – if you are curious.
He mentions that it is not a tough job to do and quite easy to pull off right while being in the basement. Even though we are not sure what his plan is – the idea of planting a spy chip on any IT equipment is scary.
This will not only affect the enterprises but also the individuals concerned about privacy and security.
So, someone could simply plant this in the supply chain of any hardware product and start their personal surveillance for just $200.
It does not sound like a big deal – but the ability to place an affordable implant could be dangerous.
What do you think about this DIY tiny chip? Is it going to be a “real” threat? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
Filed in Cybersecurity, Hardware and Security.
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