Intel and AMD are each other’s rivals in the processor scene, so a couple of years ago, it was actually kind of surprise when it was revealed that Intel and AMD would be teaming up for a special series of chipsets, where Intel would be creating chipsets that come with AMD graphics integrated into them.

Known as the Kaby Lake-G series of chipsets, it seems that this surprising alliance between Intel and AMD has officially come to an end. Intel has announced that they will be discontinuing its Kaby Lake-G processors, although they did not mention why. On Intel’s website, they note that the last date for orders of these processors will run until the 31st of January, 2020, and the 31st of July, 2020 will be last of the shipments of the processors.

For those who might be using devices that are running on the processors, the good news is that Intel won’t be completely abandoning you. The company is expected to continue to provide driver support for the processors for five years from the launch, which means that it should be good for another 3-3.5 years, although presumably you might have already upgraded your computer by then.

It was an interesting experience and was Intel and AMD’s response to NVIDIA’s laptop graphics. It also provided users with a more robust graphics system compared to Intel’s own bundled GPU, but unfortunately, it looks like that experiment is over.

Filed in Computers. Read more about and . Source: tomshardware