In a tweet by Nintendo of Europe, the company has revealed that they will soon be allowing Nintendo Switch Online subscribers to convert their existing memberships into a Family Membership. This means that if you had a solo membership with some time left on it, you won’t have to wait for it to expire before switching to a Family Membership.
The tweet claims that gamers will be able to use their remaining time on their memberships to get a discount on the Family Membership. More details are expected to be shared soon as these changes will be coming into effect on the 1st of October. To give you some content, the Family Membership plan for Switch Online is set at $35 for an entire year where it will support up to eight Nintendo account holders.
Starting 01/10, you’ll be able to use the remaining days of your #NintendoSwitchOnline Individual Membership as a discount when purchasing a Family Membership! More details, such as discount rates, will be available on our website at a later date.
— Nintendo of Europe (@NintendoEurope) September 13, 2019
This is a pretty good deal if you have enough people to share it with, so maybe it’s time to start looking for people to share it with if you want to save yourself some money.