The problem with a lot of our technology these days is that they are not user-upgradeable. This means that when they are out of date, you either have to suck it up and keep using it, or fork out money for a brand new model. This is why the idea and concept of modular gadgets is so appealing, where we can swap out old components for new ones.

It also explained why there was an interest in the Blocks modular smartwatch that had launched on Kickstarter back in 2015. Unfortunately, it seems that after four years of launching on Kickstarter, the Blocks modular smartwatch project has been officially cancelled. According to the message that the team shared with its backers, there were a number of problems that ultimately led to the device being cancelled.

For example, one of the reasons they stated was that they had lost their main manufacturing and software partners. However, despite that, the company decided to persevere, but in the end they ran out of money. They did manage to ship out limited batches of the smartwatch to some backers, but reviews of the device found it to be less than an ideal experience.

Unfortunately, this is the nature of crowdfunded projects where despite there being a lot of promise, it can end up being a disaster. It would have been interesting to see how Blocks would have fared in today’s market had it succeeded, but we guess we’ll never know.

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