If there is one reason why video games are so appealing to moviemakers, it is because not only is there an already established fan base who would watch the movie, but there is also an established storyline and a ton of details to draw from. However, it seems that Sony’s approach to the upcoming Uncharted movie could be different.

In a recent interview with Games Radar, the movie’s director Dan Trachtenberg, he revealed that the movie will not be adapting the stories used in the game. According to Trachentberg, “[I] have been approached with different versions of this tale and have always been not that interested in it because I didn’t really want to trace the game.”

He adds, “I didn’t really feel like it was at all worthy of making a video game adaptation, [if] we’re just gonna copy what the game is and just serve people a lesser experience than what they’ve experienced in such an incredible way.” He also seems to be confident that if there were a new Uncharted game made, they would want to use his storyline.

Traditionally, video game movie adaptations tend to do rather badly, so if you are skeptical about the success of the Uncharted movie, you’d probably be not alone. In the meantime, the movie’s release has been confirmed for a release on the 18th of December, 2020.

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