Google continues to reveal more information about its upcoming Stadia cloud gaming service. There’s an interesting bit of information that the company has now confirmed on its FAQ page for the service. It confirms that Stadia games will remain playable even if a publisher pulls support for its platform. Something like this rarely happens but Stadia subscribers will be happy to know that they will be covered either way.

“Once you purchase the game, you own the right to play it. In the future, it is possible that some games may no longer be available for new purchases, but existing players will still be able to play the game,” the FAQ page confirms. “Outside of unforeseen circumstances, Stadia will aim to keep any previously purchased title available for gameplay,” it adds.

It’s possible that some publishers could have second thoughts about the cloud game streaming model. It remains an unproven model as yet and the economics of offering their titles on a cloud game streaming service that they don’t operate are unproven for publishers as well.

In order to cover its subscribers in the event that a publisher decides to no longer support Stadia, Google is effectively promising that the games players purchase from its platform will be theirs to play even if the publisher pulls out. This will ensure that subscribers don’t lose access to a game that they have paid for with Stadia Pro, the tier that will allow them to purchase full games outright.

Filed in Gaming. Read more about and . Source: 9to5google