DSLRs were the cameras that many professionals used back in the day, but then mirrorless cameras came along and the game was changed. This is because mirrorless cameras are smaller and lighter than DSLRs, making them more ideal to be carried around, plus with some of them sporting full-frame capabilities, some pros have actually replaced their DSLRs with mirrorless cameras.

This is why it doesn’t come as a surprise to learn that maybe Nikon could be considering something similar as well. According to a report from Nikon Rumors, they have heard that there might be some Nikon DSLR models that will not be replaced with newer DSLR models. Instead, they believe that these models could actually be replaced by mirrorless cameras. This includes the Nikon D3500, the D5600, and the D500.

As for some of Nikon’s other higher-end models, they believe that cameras such as the D7500, D750, D850, and the D5 will receive DSLR replacements in the future, so for those who are still very much into using DSLRs, don’t worry, Nikon is in no way abandoning that segment of the market just yet.

That being said, for photographers who do prefer mirrorless cameras but want a more “pro” grade model, Nikon had previously confirmed that they are working on such a device, although when it will be launched remains to be seen.

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