Basically, there seems to be something wrong with the Joy-Cons in which even if the user is not touching the joystickers, the console will register it as moving. This was confirmed in a report by Kotaku’s Gita Jackson who wrote, “When I was in the combat screen, where the stick on the right Joy-Con controls the overhead angle of the camera, the camera angle would slowly drift until it was directly overhead.”
Jackson is not alone in experiencing this issue as other Kotaku staff members have similarly confirmed the issue themselves, along with many other gamers in a post on Reddit that got over 25,000 upvotes. While wear and tear seems to be the norm when it comes to hardware, some gamers claim to have only owned the console for a few months before the problems began to show.
It is unclear as to what the problem is, but in the meantime, Nintendo seems to be offering to fix it for gamers if they are willing to ship the controllers back to them.
Filed in Nintendo and Nintendo Switch. Source: kotaku
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