Dubbed Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, this animated series will be making its debut in 2020 where it will be taking place at the same time as the 2015 Jurassic World movie. According to the description, it will be based on a bunch of teens who are at a camp and who will need to survive the threat of dinosaurs.
“Hold onto your butts – Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous is coming in 2020! The animated series, set at the same time as the 2015 film, follows a group of teens at a new adventure camp where absolutely nothing goes wrong. Just kidding: dinosaurs.” There is no word on casting yet and who will be voicing the characters, but Steven Spielberg and Colin Trevorrow will be serving as executive producers which means that the series should still retain the same concept and tone as the movies.
Hold onto your butts – Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous is coming in 2020! The animated series, set at the same time as the 2015 film, follows a group of teens at a new adventure camp where absolutely nothing goes wrong. Just kidding: dinosaurs. pic.twitter.com/YXNGx6fKCJ
— Netflix Family (@netflixfamily) June 4, 2019
Netflix is no doubt faced with a huge challenge this year as Disney will be launching its Disney+ streaming service later in the year. The company is expected to try and make its services more attractive by leveraging its brands such as Marvel and Star Wars.