In a photo shared on Twitter, Gurman posted what looks like shards of colors. According to Gurman, he claims that these are the colors that will represent the iPhone XR 2 where it seems like the lavender and green that Apple is going with are kind of muted instead of being bright. Then again, the iPhone XR colors were never really bright and shiny, unlike the iPhone 5c, so this seems to be in line with Apple’s design.
Take it with a grain of salt for now, but Gurman has had an excellent track record for his reports so it stands to believe that he could be right. Apple’s iPhone XR 2 is expected to launch later in the year and based on the rumors, the handset could be sporting a dual camera design, making it a more compelling purchase than ever.
This is further “confirmed” by leaked molds of the handsets which shows off a square camera design with two lenses on them. We can’t help but feel that with the addition of the dual lens, the iPhone XR 2 could be a hit, more so than its more expensive siblings. We’ve already seen how the current model is dominating iPhone sales, so unless Apple plans on dropping the price of their iPhones, we don’t see why history wouldn’t repeat itself.