For those who are unsatisfied with how the show ended, there might be some redemption because in a post on his blog, the author of the series George R.R. Martin hinted that his ending could be different from the show. “How will it all end? I hear people asking. The same ending as the show? Different? Well… yes. And no. And yes. And no. And yes. And no. And yes.”
According to Martin, he reminds readers and viewers that in the show, several characters and scenes did not make the cut, such as Lady Stoneheart, for example. This means that these characters could play a role in determining how things will play out in the books, which could have a different ending.
He adds, “I am working in a very different medium than David and Dan, never forget. They had six hours for this final season. I expect these last two books of mine will fill 3000 manuscript pages between them before I’m done… and if more pages and chapters and scenes are needed, I’ll add them.”
That being said, it was previously reported that Martin had told the Game of Thrones showrunners how he had envisioned his books would end. This means that what we saw in the final episode could either be a variant of Martin’s books, or it could be the complete opposite, but either way, fans will probably need to wait quite a long time before they find out.
Filed in Entertainment, Game Of Thrones and Hbo. Source: georgerrmartin
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