Movies that are based on video games tend to do rather poorly. This is despite the fact that the games themselves have a rich storyline and lore to pull from, and despite how a lot of these movies can sometimes feature a star-studded cast. However, it seems that Detective Pikachu could be breaking those perceptions.

The movie was released last week and it seems to already be smashing some records. The movie has made $58 million during its opening weekend, making it the largest opening weekend for a game adaptation ever. The movie that previously held that record was Lara Croft Tomb Raider from 2001 which opened with $47.7 million.

It has also been predicted that the movie could be the highest grossing video game adaptation of all-time, at least in North America. Multiple reviews of the movie have been mostly positive, so it seems that there is a good reason to go watch it if you haven’t done so already.

It now also makes sense as to why a sequel to the movie was greenlit even before it was released. It was also recently suggested by the movie’s producer that a Pokemon Cinematic Universe could be an idea worth exploring, and given how many Pokemon there are out there, the possibilities for stories are endless.

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